<- RJDemetra::x13(y_raw, spec = "RSA5")
sa_x13_v3 $result
sa_x13_v3$user_defined sa_x13_v3
R packages
In this chapter
Core JDemetra+ Java algorithms can be accessed in R. This chapter provides an overview of the suite of R packages related to JDemetra+: rjdverse. R Help pages, Readme pages and vignettes relative to each package provide a detailed description of all available functions: objectives, arguments, output and examples. The corresponding GitHub pages are directly linked to this documentation whenever their use in a selected algorithm is mentioned. More details on specific functions are available in the relevant chapters in the Algorithm part
Installing Packages
All R packages related to JDemetra+ (v2 or v3) are available from the rjdverse Github page.
They can be installed from - GitHub - r-universe - CRAN (for some of them)
As explained in the corresponding Readme files on Github.
Configuration needed
To run packages based on version 3.x: Java 17 or higher: how to get a portable Java and link it with R on your computer is explained here
To run packages based on version 2.x: Java 8 or higher
Algorithms available in R
Seasonal adjustment
Using JDemetra+ version 2.x
Algorithm | Package | Comments |
X13-ARIMA | RJDemetra | Reg-Arima and X-11 decomposition available independently |
TRAMO-SEATS | RJDemetra | Tramo available independently |
Using JDemetra+ version 3.x
Algorithm | Package | Comments |
X13-ARIMA | rjd3x13 | Reg-Arima and X-11 decomposition available independently |
Extended X-11 | rjd3x11plus | Extended for high-frequency (infra-monthly) data and Trend estimation with local polynomial filters |
TRAMO-SEATS | rjd3tramoseats | Tramo available independently |
Extended Tramo | rjd3highfreq | Extended for high-frequency data |
Extended Seats | rjd3highfreq | Extended for high-frequency data |
STL+ | rjd3stl | Airline based preadjustment and high-frequency data extension |
Basic Structural Models | rjd3sts | State space framework |
Version 3.x includes Revision Policies in X-13 and Tramo-Seats.
More details on functions parameters and retrieving output in the chapter dedicated to Seasonal Adjustment
Filtering and Trend estimation
Algorithm | Package |
Moving average functions | rjd3filters |
Local Polynomial Trend Estimation | rjd3filters, rjd3x11plus |
Benchmarking and Temporal disaggregation
Algorithm | Package |
Denton | rjd3bench |
Cholette | rjd3bench |
Cubic splines | rjd3bench |
Temporal Disaggregation | rjd3bench |
Utility functions available in R
The packages listed below contain utility functions useful when running a production process with massive datasets.
Running the cruncher and generating a quality report
JDemetra+ cruncher is an executable module designed for mass production of seasonally adjusted series .
Package | JD+ version | Comments |
rjwsacruncher | 2.x | estimation update and output |
JDCruncheR | 2.x | all the above + Quality Report |
Wrangling JD+ workspaces
A workspace is a specific JDemetra+ data format (xml files) allowing to use the graphical user interface (GUI) and the cruncher.
Package | JD+ version | Comments |
rjdworkspace | 2.x | update meta data, set specifications, merge workspaces |
rjd3providers | 3.x | update metadata |
rjd3workspace | 3.x | set specifications, merge workspace |
Generating enhanced output in SA estimation
This additional packages produce enhanced plots and diagnostic outputs.
Package | JD+ version | Comments |
rjdmarkdown | 2.x | enhanced print of diagnostics |
ggdemetra | 3.x | plots based on ggplot |
ggdemetra3 | 3.x | plots based on ggplot |
rjdqa | 2.x | visual dashboard on one series |
General structure
The R object resulting from an estimation is a list of lists containing raw data, parameters, output series and diagnostics.
RJDemetra output structure
Organised by domain:
To retrieve any element just navigate this list of lists.
rjd3x13 output structure
Results and specification are separated first and then organised by domain.
To retrieve any element just navigate this list of lists.
rjd3 suite of packages: overview
The sections below provide an overview of each package based on version 3.x of JDemetra+. For detailed description refer to the package’s own R Readme file and documentation pages as linked below.
Contains utility functions used in other rjd3
packages and has to be systematically installed before using any other rjd3 package. From a user point of view, it allows to:
customize specifications in rjd3x13 and rjd3tramoseats
generate user-defined regressors for calendar correction
generate auxiliary variables (outliers, ramps..)
run arima model estimations
perform tests (seasonality, normality, white noise)
access general functions such as autocorrelations, distributions
Documentation here
gives access to X13-ARIMA seasonal adjustment algorithm.
Specification: created with
and customized withrjd3toolkit
functions +set_x11()
Apply model with
Refresh policies:
Documentation here
gives access to TRAMO-SEATS seasonal adjustment algorithm.
Specification: created with
and customized withrjd3toolkit
functions +set_seats()
Apply model with
Refresh policies:
Documentation here
Gives access to structural time series and state space models.
Documentation here
Depends on rjd3sts
Seasonal adjustment of high frequency (infra-monthly) data:
fractional airline based reg-Arima pre-adjustment
fractional and multi airline decomposition
Documentation here
The rjd3filters package allows to:
easily create/combine/apply moving averages
(much more general thanstats::filter()
) and study their properties: plot coefficients (plot_coef()
), gain (plot_gain()
), phase-shift (plot_phase()
) and different statics (diagnostic_matrix()
)trend-cycle extraction with different methods to treat endpoints:
local polynomial filters of Proietti and Luati (2008) (including Musgrave): Henderson, Uniform, biweight, Trapezoidal, Triweight, Tricube, “Gaussian”, Triangular, Parabolic (= Epanechnikov)
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) of Dagum and Bianconcini (2008) with same kernels
FST approach of Grun-Rehomme, Guggemos, and Ladiray (2018)
derivation of AST approach of Wildi and McElroy (2019)change the filter used in X-11 for TC extraction
Create moving averages
<- moving_average(rep(1, 3), lags = 1)
m1 # Forward MA
m1 <- moving_average(rep(1, 3), lags = -1)
m2 # centred MA
+ m2
m1 - m2
m1 * m2 m1
Can be used to create all the MA of X-11:
<- moving_average(rep(1, 12), lags = -6)
e1 <- e1 / sum(e1)
e1 <- moving_average(rep(1 / 12, 12), lags = -5)
# used to have the 1rst estimate of the trend
<- M2X12 <- (e1 + e2) / 2
tc_1 coef(M2X12) |> round(3)
<- 1 - tc_1
si_1 <- moving_average(rep(1 / 3, 3), lags = -1)
M3 <- M3 * M3
# M3X3 moving average applied to each month
coef(M3X3) |> round(3)
<- to_seasonal(M3X3, 12)
M3X3_seasonal coef(M3X3_seasonal) |> round(3)
<- M3X3_seasonal * si_1
s_1 <- (1 - M2X12) * s_1
s_1_norm <- 1 - s_1_norm
sa_1 <- moving_average(lp_filter(horizon = 6)$filters.coef[, "q=6"],
henderson_mm lags = -6
)<- henderson_mm * sa_1
tc_2 <- 1 - tc_2
si_2 <- moving_average(rep(1 / 5, 5), lags = -2)
M5 <- to_seasonal(M5 * M5, 12)
M5X5_seasonal <- M5X5_seasonal * si_2
s_2 <- (1 - M2X12) * s_2
s_2_norm <- 1 - s_2_norm
sa_2 <- henderson_mm * sa_2 tc_f
par(mai = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0))
layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 3), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))
plot_coef(sa_2, col = "orange", add = TRUE)
legend = c("Final TC filter", "Final SA filter"),
col = c("black", "orange"), lty = 1
plot_gain(sa_2, col = "orange", add = TRUE)
plot_phase(sa_2, col = "orange", add = TRUE)
Apply a moving average
<- retailsa$AllOtherGenMerchandiseStores
y <- y * tc_1
trend <- y * sa_1
sa plot(window(ts.union(y, trend, sa), start = 2000),
plot.type = "single",
col = c("black", "orange", "lightblue")
Depends on rjd3filters
Extension of X-11 decomposition with multiple non integer periodicities
Trend estimation with local polynomial based filters
Full documentation here
contains usual STL functions and an airline model based pre-adjustment module. Is also tailored to handle high-frequency data.
Full documentation here
ggdemetra3 uses ggplot2 to add seasonal adjustment statistics to your plot (Like ggdemetra
but compatible with version 3.x.). Also compatible with high-frequency methods:
<- spec_x13_default("rsa3") |> set_tradingdays(option = "WorkingDays")
spec <- ggplot(data = ipi_c_eu_df, mapping = aes(x = date, y = FR)) +
p_ipi_fr geom_line() +
title = "SA - IPI-FR",
x = NULL, y = NULL
)<- p_ipi_fr +
p_sa geom_sa(
component = "y_f(12)", linetype = 2,
spec = spec
) geom_sa(component = "sa", color = "red") +
geom_sa(component = "sa_f", color = "red", linetype = 2)
p_sa geom_outlier(
geom = "label_repel",
coefficients = TRUE,
ylim = c(NA, 65), force = 10,
arrow = arrow(
length = unit(0.03, "npc"),
type = "closed", ends = "last"
),digits = 2
Tailored for Benchmarking and temporal disaggregation
Revision analysis, more information here