Cruncher and quality report
In this chapter
The sections below describe how to
automate a Seasonal adjustment estimation process
update a workspace when new data is available
export output (series, diagnostics, parameters)
generate a quality report usable for selective editing (manual fine tuning)
Automate estimation with the cruncher
The cruncher is an additional “executable” module. It can be launched via R or SAS for example.
Objectives of the cruncher:
update a JDemetra+ workspace (with a selected revision policy)
export the results (series,diagnostics and parameters)
without having to open the graphical interface and operate manually. Suitable for a production process.
Installation procedure
- Download the cruncher
Available here
Click on the zip code line of the latest release
- Unzip locally (or on server)
Help pages
Documentation is available here or click on the wiki icon on the GitHub page
Running the cruncher in R
Two R packages are currently available
rjwsacruncher (on CRAN): workspace update and output production
JDCruncheR (on CRAN): adds a quality report
- rjwsacruncher
- JDCruncheR
Additional packages needed
install.packages(c("XLConnect", "XML"))
Connecting the Cruncher module
To connect the cruncher to the R package, the path to the bin directory containing the cruncher.bat file must be specified. This directory is available once the zip file has been unzipped. For example:
options(cruncher_bin_directory = "C:/Software/jwsacruncher-3.3.0/jdemetra-cli-3.3.0/bin")
- checking the current value
Updating a workspace with rjwsacruncher
Running estimations
General context: two use cases
Run first or complete estimation of seasonally adjusted series (from raw series and parameters contained in the workspace)
Apply a revision policy to updated raw series
The function cruncher_and_param()
allows to do that:
workspace = "D:/my_folder/my_ws.xml",
rename_multi_documents = FALSE,
policy = "lastoutliers", # name of the revision policy
log = my_log_file.txt
To use the documentation, compute help()
or ?function
Before running SA estimations, set the export options.
Additional options
The function cruncher_and_param()
calls the cruncher with the param file created by the function create_param_file()
. So you can add arguments to this function according to the needs of your workspace.
For example:
to add relative pathsv3
to specify if your workspace was created in v3- others arguments you can find here
Configuring output options
After updating the workspace with the selected revision policies, the cruncher generates output - series (csv files) - diagnostics and parameters (demetra_m.csv file)
These files will be created in the workspace’s repository, sub-repository ’Output”
<- "My_Workspace/Output/SAProcessing" path
Selecting time series to export
# returns names of the currently exported series
# example of setting this option
options(default_tsmatrix_series = c("sa", "sa_f"))
# only seasonally adjusted series ("sa") and its forecasts ("sa_f") will be exported
Selecting diagnostics and parameters to exoprt
# returns names of the currently exported diagnostics and parameters
# example of setting this option
options(default_matrix_item = c(
Quality Report with JDCruncheR
The JDCruncheR package:
computes a quality score from the diagnostics produced by JDemetra+
creates a quality report
Main steps
The three main functions of the package are:
to extract the quality report from the csv file (demetra_m.csv) that contains all JD+ diagnostics;compute_score()
to compute a weighted score based on the diagnosticsexport_xlsx()
to export the quality report.
# choose the demetra_m.csv file generated by the cruncher
<- extract_QR()
# to see how the score is calculated (formula)
?compute_score <- compute_score(QR,
QR n_contrib_score = 3
<- sort(QR, decreasing = TRUE, sort_variables = "score")
QR export_xlsx(QR,
file_name = "U:/quality_report.xls"
Piling up results
When working with several workspaces or Seasonal adjustment processings (SAP) within a given workspace, quality reports can be piled up with the function rbind()
or by creating a mQR_matrix object with the function mQR_matrix()
<- extract_QR()
QR1 <- extract_QR()
QR2 <- mQR_matrix(QR1, QR2)
mQR# naming each object
names(mQR) <- c("report_1", "report_2")
# Equivalent to:
<- mQR_matrix(report_1 = QR1, report_2 = QR2)
# score calculation for all reports
<- compute_score(mQR,
mQR n_contrib_score = 3
export_dir = "U:/"
Conditionnal score
Missing values can be ignored and conditions can be set for indicators:
# oos_mse weight reduced to 1 when the other
# indicators are "Bad" ou "Severe"
<- list(
condition1 indicator = "oos_mse",
conditions = c(
),conditions_modalities = c("Bad", "Severe")
)<- compute_score(BQ,
BQ n_contrib_score = 5,
conditional_indicator = list(condition1),
na.rm = TRUE
Customize the score computation
Practical steps if you want to customize the score computation (see package documentation in R)
select your indicators of interest
adjust “good”, “uncertain”, “bad”, “severe”
by default good=0, uncertain=1, bad or severe=3
List of exportable series
Some available output series will be different when using X13-ARIMA or TRAMO-SEATS.
List of exportable diagnostics and parameters
Some parameters and available diagnostics will be different when using X13-ARIMA or TRAMO-SEATS.
default_matrix_item =
"period", "span.start", "span.end", "span.n", "span.missing",
"espan.start", "espan.end", "espan.n", "log", "adjust", "regression.lp",
"regression.ntd", "regression.nmh", "",
"", "regression.easter", "regression.nout",
"regression.noutao", "regression.noutls", "regression.nouttc",
"regression.noutso", "*):4", "regression.out(*)",
"regression.user(*)", "likelihood.neffectiveobs", "",
"likelihood.logvalue", "likelihood.adjustedlogvalue", "likelihood.ssqerr",
"likelihood.aic", "likelihood.aicc", "likelihood.bic", "likelihood.bicc",
"residuals.ser", "residuals.ser-ml", "residuals.mean", "residuals.skewness:3",
"residuals.kurtosis:3", "residuals.dh", "", "residuals.lb2:3",
"residuals.seaslb", "residuals.bp", "residuals.bp2", "residuals.seasbp",
"residuals.nudruns", "residuals.ludruns", "residuals.nruns",
"residuals.lruns", "arima", "arima.mean", "arima.p", "arima.d",
"arima.q", "arima.bp", "", "", "arima.phi(*)",
"arima.bphi(*)", "*)", "arima.bth(*)", "decomposition.seasonality",
"decomposition.parameters_cutoff", "decomposition.model_changed",
"decomposition.tvar-estimator", "decomposition.tvar-estimate",
"decomposition.tvar-pvalue", "decomposition.savar-estimator",
"decomposition.savar-estimate", "decomposition.savar-pvalue",
"decomposition.svar-estimator", "decomposition.svar-estimate",
"decomposition.svar-pvalue", "decomposition.ivar-estimator",
"decomposition.ivar-estimate", "decomposition.ivar-pvalue", "decomposition.tscorr-estimator",
"decomposition.tscorr-estimate", "decomposition.tscorr-pvalue",
"decomposition.ticorr-estimator", "decomposition.ticorr-estimate",
"decomposition.ticorr-pvalue", "decomposition.sicorr-estimator",
"decomposition.sicorr-estimate", "decomposition.sicorr-pvalue",
"decomposition.ar_root(*)", "decomposition.ma_root(*)", "method",
"variancedecomposition.cycle", "variancedecomposition.seasonality",
"variancedecomposition.irregular", "variancedecomposition.tdh",
"variancedecomposition.others", "",
"diagnostics.logstat", "diagnostics.levelstat", "diagnostics.fcast-insample-mean",
"diagnostics.fcast-outsample-mean", "diagnostics.fcast-outsample-variance",
"diagnostics.seas-lin-f", "diagnostics.seas-lin-qs", "diagnostics.seas-lin-kw",
"diagnostics.seas-lin-friedman", "diagnostics.seas-lin-periodogram",
"diagnostics.seas-lin-spectralpeaks", "diagnostics.seas-si-combined",
"diagnostics.seas-si-evolutive", "diagnostics.seas-si-stable",
"diagnostics.seas-res-f", "diagnostics.seas-res-qs", "diagnostics.seas-res-kw",
"diagnostics.seas-res-friedman", "diagnostics.seas-res-periodogram",
"diagnostics.seas-res-spectralpeaks", "diagnostics.seas-res-combined",
"diagnostics.seas-res-combined3", "diagnostics.seas-res-evolutive",
"diagnostics.seas-res-stable", "diagnostics.seas-i-f", "diagnostics.seas-i-qs",
"diagnostics.seas-i-kw", "diagnostics.seas-i-periodogram", "diagnostics.seas-i-spectralpeaks",
"diagnostics.seas-i-combined", "diagnostics.seas-i-combined3",
"diagnostics.seas-i-evolutive", "diagnostics.seas-i-stable",
"diagnostics.seas-sa-f", "diagnostics.seas-sa-qs", "diagnostics.seas-sa-kw",
"diagnostics.seas-sa-friedman", "diagnostics.seas-sa-periodogram",
"diagnostics.seas-sa-spectralpeaks", "diagnostics.seas-sa-combined",
"diagnostics.seas-sa-combined3", "diagnostics.seas-sa-evolutive",
"diagnostics.seas-sa-stable", "diagnostics.seas-sa-ac1", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "diagnostics.ic-ratio-henderson",
"diagnostics.ic-ratio", "diagnostics.msr-global", "diagnostics.msr(*)",
"decomposition.trendfilter", "decomposition.seasfilter", "m-statistics.m1",
"m-statistics.m2", "m-statistics.m3", "m-statistics.m4", "m-statistics.m5",
"m-statistics.m6", "m-statistics.m7", "m-statistics.m8", "m-statistics.m9",
"m-statistics.m10", "m-statistics.m11", "m-statistics.q", "m-statistics.q-m2",
"diagnostics.basic checks.definition:2", "diagnostics.basic checks.annual totals:2",
"diagnostics.visual spectral analysis.spectral seas peaks", "diagnostics.visual spectral analysis.spectral td peaks",
"diagnostics.regarima residuals.normality:2", "diagnostics.regarima residuals.independence:2",
"diagnostics.regarima residuals.spectral td peaks:2", "diagnostics.regarima residuals.spectral seas peaks:2",
"diagnostics.outliers.number of outliers:2", "diagnostics.out-of-sample.mean:2",
"diagnostics.out-of-sample.mse:2", "diagnostics.m-statistics.q:2",
"diagnostics.m-statistics.q-m2:2", "diagnostics.seats.seas variance:2",
"diagnostics.seats.irregular variance:2", "diagnostics.seats.seas/irr cross-correlation:2",
"diagnostics.residual seasonality tests.qs test on sa:2", "diagnostics.residual seasonality tests.qs test on i:2",
"diagnostics.residual seasonality tests.f-test on sa (seasonal dummies):2",
"diagnostics.residual seasonality tests.f-test on i (seasonal dummies):2",
"diagnostics.combined seasonality test.combined seasonality test on sa:2",
"diagnostics.combined seasonality test.combined seasonality test on sa (last 3 years):2",
"diagnostics.combined seasonality test.combined seasonality test on irregular:2",
"diagnostics.residual trading days tests.f-test on sa (td):2",
"diagnostics.residual trading days tests.f-test on i (td):2",
) )