Cruncher and quality report

In this chapter

The sections below describe how to

  • automate a Seasonal adjustment estimation process

  • update a workspace when new data is available

  • export output (series, diagnostics, parameters)

  • generate a quality report usable for selective editing (manual fine tuning)

Automate estimation with the cruncher

The cruncher is an additional “executable” module. It can be launched via R or SAS for example.

Objectives of the cruncher:

  • update a JDemetra+ workspace (with a selected revision policy)

  • export the results (series,diagnostics and parameters)

without having to open the graphical interface and operate manually. Suitable for a production process.

Installation procedure

  • Download the cruncher

Available here

Click on the zip code line of the latest release

  • Unzip locally (or on server)

Help pages

Documentation is available here or click on the wiki icon on the GitHub page

Running the cruncher in R

Two R packages are currently available


  • rjwsacruncher
  • JDCruncheR

Additional packages needed

install.packages(c("XLConnect", "XML"))



Connecting the Cruncher module

To connect the cruncher to the R package, the path to the bin directory containing the cruncher.bat file must be specified. This directory is available once the zip file has been unzipped. For example:

options(cruncher_bin_directory = "C:/Software/jwsacruncher-3.3.0/jdemetra-cli-3.3.0/bin")
  • checking the current value

Updating a workspace with rjwsacruncher

Running estimations

General context: two use cases

  • Run first or complete estimation of seasonally adjusted series (from raw series and parameters contained in the workspace)

  • Apply a revision policy to updated raw series

The function cruncher_and_param() allows to do that:

    workspace = "D:/my_folder/my_ws.xml",
    rename_multi_documents = FALSE,
    policy = "lastoutliers", # name of the revision policy
    log = my_log_file.txt

To use the documentation, compute help() or ?function:


Before running SA estimations, set the export options.

Additional options

The function cruncher_and_param() calls the cruncher with the param file created by the function create_param_file(). So you can add arguments to this function according to the needs of your workspace.

For example:

  • paths_path to add relative paths
  • v3 to specify if your workspace was created in v3
  • others arguments you can find here

Configuring output options

After updating the workspace with the selected revision policies, the cruncher generates output - series (csv files) - diagnostics and parameters (demetra_m.csv file)

These files will be created in the workspace’s repository, sub-repository ’Output”

path <- "My_Workspace/Output/SAProcessing"

Selecting time series to export

# returns names of the currently exported series
# example of setting this option
options(default_tsmatrix_series = c("sa", "sa_f"))
# only seasonally adjusted series ("sa") and its forecasts ("sa_f") will be exported

Selecting diagnostics and parameters to exoprt

# returns names of the currently exported diagnostics and parameters
# example of setting this option
options(default_matrix_item = c(

Quality Report with JDCruncheR

The JDCruncheR package:

  • computes a quality score from the diagnostics produced by JDemetra+

  • creates a quality report

Main steps

The three main functions of the package are:

  • extract_QR() to extract the quality report from the csv file (demetra_m.csv) that contains all JD+ diagnostics;

  • compute_score() to compute a weighted score based on the diagnostics

  • export_xlsx() to export the quality report.

# choose the demetra_m.csv file generated by the cruncher
QR <- extract_QR()

?compute_score # to see how the score is calculated (formula)
QR <- compute_score(QR,
    n_contrib_score = 3


QR <- sort(QR, decreasing = TRUE, sort_variables = "score")
    file_name = "U:/quality_report.xls"

Piling up results

When working with several workspaces or Seasonal adjustment processings (SAP) within a given workspace, quality reports can be piled up with the function rbind() or by creating a mQR_matrix object with the function mQR_matrix()

QR1 <- extract_QR()
QR2 <- extract_QR()
mQR <- mQR_matrix(QR1, QR2)
# naming each object
names(mQR) <- c("report_1", "report_2")
# Equivalent to:
mQR <- mQR_matrix(report_1 = QR1, report_2 = QR2)

# score calculation for all reports
mQR <- compute_score(mQR,
    n_contrib_score = 3
    export_dir = "U:/"

Conditionnal score

Missing values can be ignored and conditions can be set for indicators:

# oos_mse weight reduced to 1 when the other
# indicators are "Bad" ou "Severe"
condition1 <- list(
    indicator = "oos_mse",
    conditions = c(
    conditions_modalities = c("Bad", "Severe")
BQ <- compute_score(BQ,
    n_contrib_score = 5,
    conditional_indicator = list(condition1),
    na.rm = TRUE

Customize the score computation

Practical steps if you want to customize the score computation (see package documentation in R)

  • select your indicators of interest

  • adjust “good”, “uncertain”, “bad”, “severe”

  • by default good=0, uncertain=1, bad or severe=3

List of exportable series

Some available output series will be different when using X13-ARIMA or TRAMO-SEATS.

List of exportable diagnostics and parameters

Some parameters and available diagnostics will be different when using X13-ARIMA or TRAMO-SEATS.

    default_matrix_item =
            "period", "span.start", "span.end", "span.n", "span.missing",
            "espan.start", "espan.end", "espan.n", "log", "adjust", "regression.lp",
            "regression.ntd", "regression.nmh", "",
            "", "regression.easter", "regression.nout",
            "regression.noutao", "regression.noutls", "regression.nouttc",
            "regression.noutso", "*):4", "regression.out(*)",
            "regression.user(*)", "likelihood.neffectiveobs", "",
            "likelihood.logvalue", "likelihood.adjustedlogvalue", "likelihood.ssqerr",
            "likelihood.aic", "likelihood.aicc", "likelihood.bic", "likelihood.bicc",
            "residuals.ser", "residuals.ser-ml", "residuals.mean", "residuals.skewness:3",
            "residuals.kurtosis:3", "residuals.dh", "", "residuals.lb2:3",
            "residuals.seaslb", "residuals.bp", "residuals.bp2", "residuals.seasbp",
            "residuals.nudruns", "residuals.ludruns", "residuals.nruns",
            "residuals.lruns", "arima", "arima.mean", "arima.p", "arima.d",
            "arima.q", "arima.bp", "", "", "arima.phi(*)",
            "arima.bphi(*)", "*)", "arima.bth(*)", "decomposition.seasonality",
            "decomposition.parameters_cutoff", "decomposition.model_changed",
            "decomposition.tvar-estimator", "decomposition.tvar-estimate",
            "decomposition.tvar-pvalue", "decomposition.savar-estimator",
            "decomposition.savar-estimate", "decomposition.savar-pvalue",
            "decomposition.svar-estimator", "decomposition.svar-estimate",
            "decomposition.svar-pvalue", "decomposition.ivar-estimator",
            "decomposition.ivar-estimate", "decomposition.ivar-pvalue", "decomposition.tscorr-estimator",
            "decomposition.tscorr-estimate", "decomposition.tscorr-pvalue",
            "decomposition.ticorr-estimator", "decomposition.ticorr-estimate",
            "decomposition.ticorr-pvalue", "decomposition.sicorr-estimator",
            "decomposition.sicorr-estimate", "decomposition.sicorr-pvalue",
            "decomposition.ar_root(*)", "decomposition.ma_root(*)", "method",
            "variancedecomposition.cycle", "variancedecomposition.seasonality",
            "variancedecomposition.irregular", "variancedecomposition.tdh",
            "variancedecomposition.others", "",
            "diagnostics.logstat", "diagnostics.levelstat", "diagnostics.fcast-insample-mean",
            "diagnostics.fcast-outsample-mean", "diagnostics.fcast-outsample-variance",
            "diagnostics.seas-lin-f", "diagnostics.seas-lin-qs", "diagnostics.seas-lin-kw",
            "diagnostics.seas-lin-friedman", "diagnostics.seas-lin-periodogram",
            "diagnostics.seas-lin-spectralpeaks", "diagnostics.seas-si-combined",
            "diagnostics.seas-si-evolutive", "diagnostics.seas-si-stable",
            "diagnostics.seas-res-f", "diagnostics.seas-res-qs", "diagnostics.seas-res-kw",
            "diagnostics.seas-res-friedman", "diagnostics.seas-res-periodogram",
            "diagnostics.seas-res-spectralpeaks", "diagnostics.seas-res-combined",
            "diagnostics.seas-res-combined3", "diagnostics.seas-res-evolutive",
            "diagnostics.seas-res-stable", "diagnostics.seas-i-f", "diagnostics.seas-i-qs",
            "diagnostics.seas-i-kw", "diagnostics.seas-i-periodogram", "diagnostics.seas-i-spectralpeaks",
            "diagnostics.seas-i-combined", "diagnostics.seas-i-combined3",
            "diagnostics.seas-i-evolutive", "diagnostics.seas-i-stable",
            "diagnostics.seas-sa-f", "diagnostics.seas-sa-qs", "diagnostics.seas-sa-kw",
            "diagnostics.seas-sa-friedman", "diagnostics.seas-sa-periodogram",
            "diagnostics.seas-sa-spectralpeaks", "diagnostics.seas-sa-combined",
            "diagnostics.seas-sa-combined3", "diagnostics.seas-sa-evolutive",
            "diagnostics.seas-sa-stable", "diagnostics.seas-sa-ac1", "",
            "", "", "",
            "", "", "diagnostics.ic-ratio-henderson",
            "diagnostics.ic-ratio", "diagnostics.msr-global", "diagnostics.msr(*)",
            "decomposition.trendfilter", "decomposition.seasfilter", "m-statistics.m1",
            "m-statistics.m2", "m-statistics.m3", "m-statistics.m4", "m-statistics.m5",
            "m-statistics.m6", "m-statistics.m7", "m-statistics.m8", "m-statistics.m9",
            "m-statistics.m10", "m-statistics.m11", "m-statistics.q", "m-statistics.q-m2",
            "diagnostics.basic checks.definition:2", "diagnostics.basic checks.annual totals:2",
            "diagnostics.visual spectral analysis.spectral seas peaks", "diagnostics.visual spectral analysis.spectral td peaks",
            "diagnostics.regarima residuals.normality:2", "diagnostics.regarima residuals.independence:2",
            "diagnostics.regarima residuals.spectral td peaks:2", "diagnostics.regarima residuals.spectral seas peaks:2",
            "diagnostics.outliers.number of outliers:2", "diagnostics.out-of-sample.mean:2",
            "diagnostics.out-of-sample.mse:2", "diagnostics.m-statistics.q:2",
            "diagnostics.m-statistics.q-m2:2", "diagnostics.seats.seas variance:2",
            "diagnostics.seats.irregular variance:2", "diagnostics.seats.seas/irr cross-correlation:2",
            "diagnostics.residual seasonality tests.qs test on sa:2", "diagnostics.residual seasonality tests.qs test on i:2",
            "diagnostics.residual seasonality tests.f-test on sa (seasonal dummies):2",
            "diagnostics.residual seasonality tests.f-test on i (seasonal dummies):2",
            "diagnostics.combined seasonality test.combined seasonality test on sa:2",
            "diagnostics.combined seasonality test.combined seasonality test on sa (last 3 years):2",
            "diagnostics.combined seasonality test.combined seasonality test on irregular:2",
            "diagnostics.residual trading days tests.f-test on sa (td):2",
            "diagnostics.residual trading days tests.f-test on i (td):2",