Benchmarking and Temporal disaggregation
Benchmarking Underlying Theory
Benchmarking1 is a procedure widely used when for the same target variable the two or more sources of data with different frequency are available. Generally, the two sources of data rarely agree, as an aggregate of higher-frequency measurements is not necessarily equal to the less-aggregated measurement. Moreover, the sources of data may have different reliability. Usually it is thought that less frequent data are more trustworthy as they are based on larger samples and compiled more precisely. The more reliable measurement is considered as a benchmark.
Benchmarking in Seasonal adjustment
In seasonal adjustment methods benchmarking is the procedure that ensures the consistency over the year between adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted data. It should be noted that the ESS Guidelines on Seasonal Adjustment (2024), do not recommend benchmarking as it introduces a bias in the seasonally adjusted data. The U.S. Census Bureau also points out that “forcing the seasonal adjustment totals to be the same as the original series annual totals can degrade the quality of the seasonal adjustment, especially when the seasonal pattern is undergoing change. It is not natural if trading day adjustment is performed because the aggregate trading day effect over a year is variable and moderately different from zero”[^2]. Nevertheless, some users may need that the annual totals of the seasonally adjusted series match the annual totals of the original, non-seasonally adjusted series[^3].
According to the ESS Guidelines on Seasonal Adjustment (2015), the only benefit of this approach is that there is consistency over the year between adjusted and the non-seasonally adjusted data; this can be of particular interest when low-frequency (e.g. annual) benchmarking figures officially exist (e.g. National Accounts, Balance of Payments, External Trade, etc.) and where users’ needs for time consistency are stronger..
The benchmarking procedure in JDemetra+ is available for a single seasonally adjusted series and for an indirect seasonal adjustment of an aggregated series. In the first case, univariate benchmarking ensures consistency between the raw and seasonally adjusted series. In the second case, the multivariate benchmarking aims for consistency between the seasonally adjusted aggregate and its seasonally adjusted components.
Given a set of initial time series
that respect temporal aggregation constraints, represented by
or, in matrix form:
The underlying benchmarking method implemented in JDemetra+ is an extension of Cholette’s2 method, which generalises, amongst others, the additive and the multiplicative Denton procedure as well as simple proportional benchmarking.
The JDemetra+ solution uses the following routines that are described in DURBIN, J., and KOOPMAN, S.J. (2001):
The multivariate model is handled through its univariate transformation,
The smoothed states are computed by means of the disturbance smoother.
The performance of the resulting algorithm is highly dependent on the number of variables involved in the model (
From a theoretical point of view, it should be noted that this approach may handle any set of linear restrictions (equalities), endogenous (between variables) or exogenous (related to external values), provided that they don’t contain incompatible equations. The restrictions can also be relaxed for any period by considering their “observation” as missing. However, in practice, it appears that several kinds of contemporaneous constraints yield unstable results. This is more especially true for constraints that contain differences (which is the case for non-binding constraints). The use of a special square root initializer improves in a significant way the stability of the algorithm.
Temporal disaggregation
Temporal disaggregation is a process by means of which a high frequency time series is obtained from its low frequency observations and, possibly, some additional information, such as a related high frequency time series.
By low and high frequency we may refer, for example, to a time series observed yearly or quarterly (in low frequency) that we try to estimate for each month (in high frequency), or to a time series observed yearly that we try to estimate for each quarter.
There are several types of temporal disaggregation methods. We will classify them according to two criteria, their deterministic or stochastic nature and whether they use any related time series or not.
In temporal disaggregation, we use
In benchmarking the notation is similar, but now
Deterministic Methods
We now briefly describe some of the deterministic methods used for temporal disaggregation and benchmarking.
For temporal disaggregation, if we have
For benchmarking, if we have
The advantage of this method is that it is simple to use, but there are some other methods which have more desirable properties.
The Denton method3 was designed to preserve the movement of the indicator in the benchmarked or disaggregated series.
For benchmarking assume that we observe
For example, the
There are several variations of the Denton method. The additive first differences Denton method tries, after taking regular differences once, to preserve the movement of the
The proportional first differences Denton method is similar, but it assumes that the short term fluctuations, such as seasonal and irregular, have a multiplicative effect, instead of additive. It minimizes:
The additive and proportional second differences Denton methods are also frequently used and are similar to the first differences ones, but taking two regular differences instead of one.
There exist also some multivariate Denton methods. In them, several time series are benchmarked or disaggregated, each one with its own restrictions but, additionally, there are also some new restrictions that involve simultaneously two or more of the time series at some fixed time points. The optimization has a single objective function in which all the time series are included, and a different weight can be assigned to each series.
Stochastic methods
These methods assume some kind of statistical model involving the time series and the indicator.
Most methods in this category can be considered as particular cases of the method proposed by Stram and Wei4 5 6. There is a basic assumption made when we use any method in this category to temporally disaggregate a time series. That assumption is that there are no hidden periodicities, and it means that if the (often unknown) high frequency model is
Chow-Lin, Litterman and Fernandez
These methods can be all expressed with the same equation, but with different models for the error term:
As it can be seen, these methods assume a linear regresion model between
When using modern software like JDemetra+, these models are estimated using state-space techniques, though some older programs use regression techniques after writing the model in matrix notation, obtaining then the low frequency model, estimating it and projecting the solution into high frequency using the conditional expectation to get the
Autoregressive distributed lags models (ADL).
These models are particular cases of
As a particular case, an autoregressive distributed lags
The idea behind using these models for temporal disaggregation is that the inclusion of lagged dependent variables
Santos Silva and Cardoso.
In Santos, Silva and Cardoso (2001)8 the
Some variants of this model are also possible, for example
In Proietti (2006)9 the
As a particular case, if
Description of the idea of benchmarking is based on DAGUM, B.E., and CHOLETTE, P.A. (1994) and QUENNEVILLE, B. et all (2003). Detailed information can be found in: DAGUM, B.E., and CHOLETTE, P.A. (2006)↩︎
CHOLETTE, P.A. (1979).↩︎
Denton(1971). Adjustment of Monthly or Quarterly Series to Annual Totals: An Approach Based on Quadratic Minimization. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 66(333):99-102, 1971.↩︎
Stram and Wei (1986). Temporal Aggregation in the Arima Process. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 7(4):279-292, 1986.↩︎
Stram and Wei (1986). A Methodological Note on the Disaggregation of Time Series Totals. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 7(4):293-302, 1986.↩︎
Wei and Stram (1990). Disaggregation of Time Series Models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. B, 52(3):453-467, 1990.↩︎
Gómez and Aparicio-Pérez (2009). A new State-space Methodology to Disaggregate Multivariate Time Series. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 30(1):97-124, 2009.↩︎
Santos, Silva and Cardoso (2001). The Chow-Lin Method Using Dynamic Models. Economic Modelling, 18:269-280, 2001.↩︎
Proietti (2006). Temporal Disaggregation by State Space Methods: Dynamic Regression Methods Revisited. Econometric Journal, 9:357-372, 2006.↩︎